Written by Keith Huff
Directed by Casey Polomaine
Starring Aaron Holbritter & Ian LaChance
November 6th-15th @ Albany Barn
Thoughts on A Steady Rain…
We chose A Steady Rain for our inaugural production because of it’s rich themes and stripped down technical requirements. It didn’t require any elaborate costumes or set, so we were able to focus on the acting and the lives of these two complex characters. That’s what makes this show so captivating.
CLICK HERE for a feature story on Creative License & A Steady Rain by The Times Union
Praise for a steady rain
“Ambition and talent come together in deeply satisfying ways in ‘A Steady Rain’ “
“[Creative License] is already headed towards fulfilling it’s bold mission-”to be known as the HBO of local theater”- with A Steady Rain. The material is tough, hasn’t been seen before in the area, and the core quality of the production, the acting, is without fault.”
“ ‘A Steady Rain’ is rich, nuanced, and morally gray, and Polomaine, who directed, give her actors the room they need to build to dramatic, and at times melodramatic, peaks”
-Steve Barnes, The Times Union
“...it never fails to be anything but compelling, held together by the riveting work of its two leads."
“ ‘A Steady Rain’ is storytelling at its best, and the Creative License company is off to a promising start.”
-Alan Ilagan, AlanIlagan.com
“The work of Holbritter and LaChance (as smartly directed by co-founder Casey Polomaine) is spot-on.”
“The Capital Region is already rich in theater-going opportunities, but there’s always room for another company. […] Welcome, Creative License!”
-Paul Lamar, The Daily Gazette